
Monday 2 August 2010

7 months and counting - Perfectly imperfect!

Wow- so today is our 7 month anniversary. This time 7 seven months ago, I was sitting having my hair curled by a talented family friend, having my make up done by the fabulous dvoradivine, munching on krispy kremes (naughty!) and blissfully unaware that one of our bridesmaids was at the home of a random seamstress, being SEWN INTO her dress! We had a brilliant fun-filled day, with everyone sharing in our joy and with no major/chaotic eventualities - the dress situation was sorted! and they all looked amazing - no-one was any the wiser - see!

 So far, our marriage (I love saying that) has been pretty much the same! Fun, filled with love and the best wishes of our nearest and dearest. But very much like our wedding day, our marriage hasn't just 'happened'- we actually have to put the work in. Mostly, the love, respect, empathy and patience comes naturally for us (we're lucky that it just seems to work), but there are still times where we disagree with each other. At the advice of Reverend Moira who married us, in times of disagreement we remember:

James 1: 19, 26

"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry...If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless."

Another verse that we love is:

Proverbs 15:1

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger."

They seem such obvious truths, but they are just that - truths. I think that at times where do want to snap off each other's heads, it's useful to remember that words can hurt and you can't take them back. So we're very VERY careful about what we say to each other and how we treat each other. So far, it seems to be working - hooray!

We wished much 'luck' on our wedding day and when we're honest with ourselves about relationships and marriage, we can see plainly that not everybody (despite their best intentions) actually makes it through the journey. We appreciate that life is simply not always 'perfect', God never said it would be. But I always maintain that in face of any adversity, Mr O is my 'mr perfect' and I like to think of myself as his 'mrs perfect' - for us, that is more than enough.

So today, on our 7th month anniversary, I just want to give a special 'shout-out' to Mr O (and all the other fantastic husbands in cyberspace), those men who accept us, as perfectly imperfect as we come, those who we laugh with, those who we cry with, the ONLY ones who know how to hold us, the ones we respect, love, cherish and honour - for always. The only ones who (aside from our pedicurists) we let touch our tootsies and the only ones (aside from our pedicurists) who are willing to touch our tootsies, the ones who know how to make us smile and the ones who assist us (or will assist us) in raising such kind-hearted, bright and beautiful little children. The ones that God actually made especially for us- our best friends, our strength, our everythings, our Husbands!!

Getting married was at the top of our agenda for last year and staying married is firmly placed at the top of our agenda for...well, forever!

Thank you Mr O for having me, as 'perfectly imperfect' as I am!

7 months and counting baby... mwah!

Mrs O


  1. That's beautiful and true. Guarding my tongue has been my daily morning prayer since we got married.

  2. What wonderful words of wisdom... and to think you've only been married a few months! I can't wait to hear what you have to say after being married a few years! Really.

  3. Congratulations and counting.......The importance of marriage counselling should never be undermined. You guys were obviously great listeners and its really working.
