
Thursday 4 August 2011

Body armour, CSI and gym shoes... : )

Ok - so a close buddy of mine told me off for not updating this here blog with the news that I have graduated...

So there it is - I have graduated!!! : ) Woo hoo!

I had a lovely few weeks off work to celebrate my success and unwind... much needed, I tell you..and during that time, I made a decision..

The time to step up my fitness regime is now. 

Currently, my exercise schedule revolves around pushing baby girl on the swing, swimming under water with my hand on my back, pretending to be a 'shark', running round parks, and trying to squeeze myself through all kinds of  soft play equipment at jungle gyms. It also includes running up and down the stairs, hoovering almost daily and bending over to pick up toys and one burlesque class per week (very good fun, but not enough to boost my fitness levels!)..

In short - I need to step up my game - literally. The 'excuse' - I just had a baby, simply wont cut it after 3 years - well not to me. Every-time I go out in the evening in a figure hugging number, I rely on magic knickers! If you have never worn these, let me tell you they can get really hot! I have even been known to wear two pairs of said knickers at the same time - one for bum lift and one for tummy flattening (thanks to a certain bff for that tip!) tehehe....

Must I rely on such 'body armour'?!

Pre-baby, I'd party - a lot - dancing the calories away and tone up by going to the gym every couple of days. Darn it, I had a fitness plan. But now things have changed. I drive EVERYWHERE, I have a lovely husband who carries anything heavy that might otherwise help tone my arms. It's not all about appearance though, I am ashamed to say that I am really really unfit! It's not good - at all!

Now, I know that I am lucky that I didn't actually gain any weight during pregnancy - just on the chest! I just gained stretch marks, the characteristic mummy 'pouch', an extra back size  and a couple of extra cup sizes!! But, all in all, whilst I am comfortable with my Mummy shape, I do feel like I could feel even better and it's all about being the best version of myself possible.

I'm not into hard work and no play anymore, so, I'm exploring gym options where I can work out, have fun at the same time, de-stress, and sweat it out in the sauna and steam room or just sit in the jacuzzi on the occasional day I feel lazy!

Gone are my old  excuses  reasons:

'I'm pregnant' - ummm  had I not heard of Pregnancy yoga?!

'I just had a baby' - ummm why was Baby Yoga on my mind but not Mum and Baby yoga?

'I should spend the time with baby girl' - I can go when she is sleeping!

'I should spend the time on my PhD' - I've now got it!

'I should spend the time with Mr O' - In all honesty, he'd much rather have the couple of hours at home alone watching CSI (which I don't really like), drinking cider (which I don't drink!) and eating nuts without me saying 'did you just drop one, you know baby girl is allergic', before proceeding to hoover during the ad-break of CSI!

Really, its a win win situation...

So, if I am uber-efficient with my time, then the only excuse I have left is

'I don't even own gym shoes anymore...'

Until next time...



  1. Thanks for your lovely comment! I really appreciate it! And your buddy's right! You should be told off for not sharing! That's huuuuge!! Congratulations!!!!!

